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Chapter 17

Paradise Falling...
A CyberSix fan fiction
In an alternate universe.
By Ptah Aegyptus
Dark Branch


The young cyber leaped from trunk to trunk, not touching the ground as she bounded through Jungle course 6.  Cyber Drill Instructors 1329 and 124 sprinted behind her, noting her progress.

"HIGH BRANCH, SIX!" 1329 yelled.

Cybersix spun, hit the ground, and shot upwards.  Up.  Up. The two DI's stopped and watched closely as she shot past the smooth, narrow branch 22 meters above the ground.  She curled up in a ball, spun, then snapped her body out full length and spun around as she came down, the branch slapping into the tips of her fingers as she fell past it.  She whipped around the bar several times with the skill of an Olympic gymnast before landing lightly on top of it into a crouch.

"ENOUGH!  DOWN!" 124 shook her head irritatedly while 1329 sighed.

Cybersix bounded down the tree, leaping from branch to branch, down to the jungle floor.  She landed on her feet, panting heavily and slicking off thick sheets of sweat off her face with her hands.

"You missed the branch, cyber!" 1329 scolded her, "You still think you're an adult!"

She stood at attention, "YES SIR!" she shouted around her gasps.

"You're half as light, but have 60% of your strength, so you're 10% underestimating yourself!" 124 joined in, "Let's take her to the bar course." she suggested, turning to 1329, "She might be needing to recalibrate herself."

"Good idea." 1329 nodded, yanking the canteen off his belt, "Take three, cyber!" he snapped, holding it out to her.

"THANK YOU SIR!" she shouted.  She took the canteen and walked over to the tree whose branch she had missed.  Leaning against the trunk upright, she took small sips from the canteen.

"Don't spill any!" 1329 added, "It's 10% sustenance!  Burn your shirt, it comes out of your allowance!"


"And watch your water levels!" 124 added, "You have a smaller body now, and can't run as long as you used to do!"


Cyber 1329 put his hand on Cyber 124's shoulder and quickly tapped out a message in the DI code that the instructors always used when discussing trainee progress and didn't want the subjects to overhear, "Damn, she's good!" he tapped.

She reached around and tapped on his lower back, "She's got more fire and drive this time around.  And yet"  She stopped.

"What?" 1329 tapped, "Tell me!"

"She's sweeter.  She lets everyone fuss over her and love on her.  As if"  124 responded, then stopped again.


"As if she knows that being a child, and giving herself to be loved, makes the adults around her happy too."

"Don't touch her." He tapped out warningly.

"I know." she tapped back in reply, smiling bitterly, "After the course?"

"After the course."  1329 confirmed, "After me."

"Can't wait."

"So, any idea of what's got into her so she's better the second time around?"

"Nope.  No idea."

Cybersix walked to the two DIs and handed the canteen to 1329, "To the Bar course, Cyber!" 1329 snapped.

"YES SIR!" She turned and bounded through the woods, the words her father spoke to her burning bright in her heart and soul.

"I am so pleased and proud of what you have become, Cybersix." He had said, his hand softly caressing her hair.

"Of all the creations that I have made, you are the best and most wonderful."

The two Cyber DIs started sprinting after the happiest Cyber in the world.

The End

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Chapter 17